Sunday, May 20, 2007

3G + Skype = Killer App?


Hutchison 3, a European mobile telecommunications company has formed an agreement with Skype to allow Skype communications on Hutch-3's 3G network. Mobile carriers have so far been reluctant to allow VoIP over their networks -- in the past, some wifi-enabled phones have had their VoIP capabilities disabled by carriers.   From observing my European classmates, Skype is a very popular application within that group. Perhaps this agreement helps Hutchison 3 differentiate itself from other carriers (with the potential risk of losing  revenues from international call revenues). It'll be interesting to see whether other carriers follow suit with their own VoIP services, as is the case with T-mobile in the US.N95 VoIP Disabled

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Monday, May 7, 2007

Village phones?

Nokia announced two new phones recently, the 1200 and 1208, designed specifically for the shared phone market. It is primarily geared towards low-income areas where mobile phone ownership is a challenge. These devices have a call-time tracking application and multiple phonebooks to facilitate sharing.

"In order to help manage airtime costs, the call-time tracking feature allows consumers and village phone entrepreneurs to pre-set a time or cost limit on individual calls, automatically ending the call after the limit has been reached."

More at mad4mobilephones ...

Nokia 1200 and Nokia 1208 are phones for sharing

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